On the whole, Naruto was a transcendent anime that helped introduce the genre to a great many people. It had a great story that had some first-class twists and turns to it. The character piece of work was tremendous every bit well, some of the best you'll see from a shounen serial. The build to the climax of the series was incredibly well done also.

Everything wasn't perfect, however. While the build was good, there were some missteps along the way. Some were pocket-size and one or two are still aggravating to think about today.

10 Disappointing: The War

The war itself was always a scrap of a disappointment. Information technology got viewers a few cool fights along the style, but nigh of those involved Madara or Kabuto in some class. The rest, peculiarly the beginning, felt ho-hum and inconsequential.

It seemed like at that place was an opportunity to see a lot of the older generations of ninja square off against each other, merely while they showed tastes of that, it never reached it'southward potential. The lack of expiry hurt things every bit well. A war loses some of its luster if the good guys never take any losses.

9 Got Right: Kakashi Using Both Optics

While Obito may have been a niggling striking or miss during the arc, the fact Kakashi not only got both of his eyes just had the opportunity to use them was awesome.

Kakashi'south ever going to be one of the more beloved characters from the show and seeing him play such a vital part in the terminal series of fights was needed. Seeing him able to manifest Susanoo was such a hype moment in an otherwise lackluster fight against Kaguya.

8 Disappointing: Obito

Obito was a bit of a mixed handbag during the finale. As Tobi he felt similar a pretty great villain. Meanwhile, the reveal that he was Obito wasn't awful, even if everyone could encounter it coming from a mile away.

The issue is what came after that. The reason he had for doing all of this made him seem incredibly childish, and his turn to the side of good, while not inherently bad, didn't have the impact information technology should take. A big reason for that is how often Naruto had the major villain of an arc shift to the side of good.

7 Got Right: Naruto Meeting His Dad

Naruto getting to meet his begetter is a moment the series has needed since the very kickoff, the banner seen during the Pain arc not counting. Seeing the two of them fight with 1 another against Obito was the highlight of the battle against Ten-Tails Obito.

It showed how alike they were, strengthening a bail that they never got to have. Having Minato congratulate Naruto on ending the war and wishing him a happy birthday was the perfect fashion to wrap up.

6 Disappointing: Sasuke & Sakura

This is ane of the big annoyances regarding the end of the war. By and large, the epilogue of what happened did everything it needed to, showing the future couples and setting up Boruto. The but exception to that is this couple, one that makes no sense in the least bit.

Sasuke has tried to kill Sakura. In what world is that someone you lot'd desire to have a kid with? She's never been a smart character, only you'd think she'd have an ounce of sense in her. The only positive to this is that she didn't stop up with Naruto.

five Got Correct: Naruto As Hokage

Hokage Naruto is bully, something the unabridged series was building from the very start. His development as a protagonist was fantastic, going from the bratty little child who couldn't take annihilation seriously to the great man and hero he became by the end.

Seeing him abound more and more serious in his actions was 1 of the amend parts of the whole series. Seeing him don the garb of Hokage in the epilogue felt like the virtually fitting way to end the serial.

4 Disappointing: Madara Being Tossed Aside

This was an inexcusable decision past Kishimoto and i that still boggles the mind every bit far as why it was washed. Madara had been built since the beginning of the series, built up as this god among ninjas, right forth with the Kickoff Hokage.

When he gained the X-Tails it felt like the final conflict was at manus, the goal he'd long sought was finally at the tips of his fingers. At least fans got the epic disharmonism with Might Guy before Blackness Zetsu up and tossed him in the trash to make fashion for Kaguya.

three Got Right: Setting Up Boruto

Setting upward for Boruto was the main goal of the epilogue of the story, introducing some of the main players from that series. It also set the stage for what the world would be similar. That and feeding into a piffling fan service in regards to the couples.

What the ending did better than anything was already bringing in the disharmonize that Naruto was going to have with Boruto, a major plot point at the start of that serial. The same could be said of Sarada dealing with Sasuke's abiding absence.

2 Disappointing: Kaguya

The fashion this graphic symbol was handled was considered awful. She had almost no build-up at all, Madara mentioned her a few times during the war, and that was information technology. That's non how you build a final villain, as they should never be a character that just shows up with no connection to the audition.

It didn't help that she had admittedly no personality either. All in all, she was just a way to introduce the Ostutsuki and zilch more than that. She was a complete failure as an end boss.

one Got Correct: Naruto Vs Sasuke

Naruto and Sasuke'south rivalry is one that had its ups and downs through the series. At points, it got a little annoying at just how much information technology was being shoved down viewers' throats. While the story behind information technology wasn't always the best, their battles were always on bespeak.

Their fight at the finish of up part one was excellent and still one of the better ones in the series. It only made sense for the concluding battle to be betwixt them, and it delivered. The scene above really drove habitation that Naruto was truly coming to an end.

Adjacent: Naruto: ten Strongest Villains From The Fourth Great Ninja State of war Arc

Adjacent 10 Anime Characters Who Had A Alter Of Voice Thespian (& Why)

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